
Welcome to the Lend A Paw Blog!
Where you can find up to date information about the program, current LAP teams and LAP therapy dogs candidates, scheduled visits, and much more.
Lend A Paw is committed to enhancing the lives of individuals experiencing physical, mental, emotional or life challenges by providing therapy dogs to offer warmth, compassion, unconditional love and a healing environment. The program is designed to rescue dogs from the shelter and train them to be therapy dogs. Individuals are also invited to join our LAP team with their own dogs provided the dogs have the required obedience and temperament for therapy work.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Chai Lifeline & LAP Join Efforts

             Since 1987, Chai Lifeline's mission has been to restore the light of childhood to children whose innocence ended when life-threatening or lifelong illness was diagnosed.
Through programs that address the emotional, social, and financial needs of seriously ill children, their families, and communities, Chai Lifeline restores normalcy to family life, and better enables families to withstand the crises and challenges of serious pediatric illness.

Earlier this year, Chai Lifeline contacted Lend A Paw to propose a new program to help these children receive some much needed love and affection from our volunteer handlers and dogs.

Upon commencement of the program, we had an astounding response from our volunteers in their desire get involved, and many are already assigned to visit children on a weekly or monthly schedule.

This program has a great impact on the children. When we as humans interact with a person who is seriously ill or challenged in some way, we often cannot help but be reserved or unsure due to our preconceived notions, lack of knowledge of the illness, or fear of the unknown. When dogs interact with these special populations, they show no judgement and treat the children no differently than their best friend. These children need a sense of security and a chance to be treated the same as everybody else.

One of Lend A Paw's volunteer teams, Jody and her Golden Retriever Ziggy, began visiting with Chai Lifeline earlier this year. They were paired with Ari, a five year old boy diagnosed with Leukemia. Jody guided Ari as they took Ziggy for a long walk. Jody remarked that Ari "is the sweetest boy ever and was so happy to see Ziggy. Ziggy, Ari and I went on a long walk...We talked a lot and laughed a lot. He is a very special kid."

Lend A Paw volunteers and Chai Lifeline children look forward to many more visits together down the road. If you are interested in getting involved with Lend A Paw with your own dog, please contact Sharon@k9sonly.com.

Written by LAP Director, Sharon Vincuilla

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