
Welcome to the Lend A Paw Blog!
Where you can find up to date information about the program, current LAP teams and LAP therapy dogs candidates, scheduled visits, and much more.
Lend A Paw is committed to enhancing the lives of individuals experiencing physical, mental, emotional or life challenges by providing therapy dogs to offer warmth, compassion, unconditional love and a healing environment. The program is designed to rescue dogs from the shelter and train them to be therapy dogs. Individuals are also invited to join our LAP team with their own dogs provided the dogs have the required obedience and temperament for therapy work.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Scheduled Visits - January 2013

Here is a calendar of all Lend A Paw scheduled visits for the month of December 2012. Click on an event to see details about the visit. Choose the event(s) you wish to participate in and contact the Leader of the site to RSVP.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Scheduled Vissits - December 2012

Here is a calendar of all Lend A Paw scheduled visits for the month of December 2012. Click on an event to see details about the visit. Choose the event(s) you wish to participate in and contact the Leader of the site to RSVP.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Halloween Spirit

Each year, the Lend A Paw Teams show everyone that Halloween is not just for children; Many of them show up to sites dressed in costumes. And this goes on for the entire month of October as well as early November. This year was no different! Many of our dedicated Lend A Paw volunteers and their canine sidekicks visited children and adults and demonstrated once again that they are willing to go above and beyond their duty to make someone happy! Here are a few photos of our LAP dogs and their wonderful handlers wearing Halloween costumes:

Belle was the cutest police officer!
The most beautiful Fairy Princess: Roxy!
Daisy and Jim the incredible poodles!

Lydia and Cali dressed up as Peanut and Charlie Brown!
The Lend A Paw teams at Ann Douglas Center L.A. Mission.
Cody was a Horse with a Jockey!
Cinder dressed up as a Ketchup package from Cupids Hot Dogs!
Ashley was a cute lady bug!

Mason, impressive as always!
Little Red... A.K.A. Cinder!
Mason the Hot Dog, Cinder, the Ketchup package and Audrey the cutest little devil!
Lexi the little pumpkin was full of spirit!
Sweet little Liza demonstrated her Halloween spirit at the Jewish Home for the Aging.
Another one of the many costumes Cinder modeled during the month of October!
Ash the super hero!

Thanks to all the Lend A Paw teams who continue to make our program a very successful one! Keep up the good work!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Scheduled Visits - November 2012

Here is a calendar of all Lend A Paw scheduled visits for the month of October 2012. Click on an event to see details about the visit. Choose the event(s) you wish to participate in and contact the Leader of the site to RSVP.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween Dog Bite Prevention Tips

Doggone Safe is a non-profit organization dedicated to dog bite prevention through education and offer free information at its website: www.doggonesafe.com. Here is their Dog Bite Prevention Tips for Halloween:

Halloween is lots of fun for kids, but many dogs will be confused or upset by kids in strange costumes and by lots of people coming to the door, but never being invited in. Doggone Safe offers the following tips for dog owners, kids and parents:

Dog owners:

  1. Secure your dog behind a closed door or in a crate in a room away from the front door or the party if children are meeting at your house.
  2. Give him a juicy bone from the butcher, a sterilized bone or Kong stuffed with hotdog, Rollover or other soft dog treats or a pre-stuffed bone from the pet store.
  3. Play music or leave a TV or radio playing in the dog’s room to help mask the sounds of the activity at the front door.
  4. Close drapes so that the dog does not see people coming and going through the window.
  5. If you have a dog that barks at the sound of the doorbell, disconnect it or watch for trick-or-treaters so that they do not have to ring or knock.
  6. Puppies and dogs that like to chase can get overly excited by costumes with dangly bits or streaming material. Supervise very carefully if you have a dog that may try to play with your children’s costumes while they are wearing them. Teach kids to Be a Tree and stand still if the dog does start nipping at their costume since the more they move, the more exited the dog will get.
  7. Keep your dogs (and cats) indoors around Halloween time. Pets have been stolen, injured or poisoned as part of Halloween pranks or other rituals.

 Kids and Parents:

  1. Avoid houses if you can hear a dog barking behind the door, you can see a dog behind a screen door or you see a dog tied up in the yard or barking behind a fence.
  2. Never approach any dog, even if you know him. He may not recognize you in your costume.
  3. If an owner opens the door and there is a dog there, just stay still and wait for the dog owner to put the dog away. You can tell them you do not want to come near the dog. Do not move toward the person and dog. Wait for them to come to you to give you your candy. Wait for them to close the door before you turn and leave.
  4. If a dog escapes just stand still and Be a Tree (hands folded in front, watching your feet). He will just sniff you and then move on. Wait for the owner to come and get the dog before you turn away.
  5. If you meet a loose dog, Be a Tree and wait until it goes away.
  6. It is best to ignore other people’s dogs on Halloween if you meet them out walking. The dog may be worried about all the strange creatures that are out and about. Even if you know the dog, he may not recognize you in your costume.
Doggone Safe and Lend A Paw wishes everyone a safe and happy Halloween!
Click on the link below to download these tips as a PDF handout

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Scheduled Visits - October 2012

Here is a calendar of all Lend A Paw scheduled visits for the month of October 2012. Click on an event to see details about the visit. Choose the event(s) you wish to participate in and contact the Leader of the site to RSVP.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Scheduled Visits - September 2012

Here is a calendar of all Lend A Paw scheduled visits for the month of September 2012. Click on an event to see details about the visit. Choose the event(s) you wish to participate in and contact the Leader of the site to RSVP.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Congratulations Roxie!

All that practice and hard work paid off! Roxie passed her Therapy Dog Certification Exam on Saturday 7/21/12 and is now ready to go to work! We first introduced Roxie in November 2011; Sharon Newman, a Certified Lend A Paw Handler, was raising Roxie to become a certified therapy dog. Roxie is a Golden Retriever who, even as a puppy, loved people and wanted to please them. 

Roxie is proudly wearing her Lend A Paw vest!
Her first visit as a newly Certified therapy dog was at the Jewish Home for the Aging, where she made the residents extremely happy! 
"I look forward to many years of visits with her to a variety of places, bringing happiness and love to so many people", says Newman.
Congratulations Sharon and Roxie! And thank you for your services!

Story by Nathalie Seguin, photo courtesy of Sharon Newman.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Scheduled Visits - August 2012

Here is a calendar of all Lend A Paw scheduled visits for the month of August 2012. Click on an event to see details about the visit. Choose the event(s) you wish to participate in and contact the Leader of the site to RSVP.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Special needs rescue volunteers to help others

Liza is a special needs dog who is being fostered by LAP volunteer, Donna Beirne.
Last year, Liza had two surgeries on her rear right leg ~ a metal plate and pins inserted for a broken leg and yet a second surgery for her hip.  Her senior owner could not continue with her therapy program, and her muscle tone atrophied quite a bit.  A caring vet contacted Cavalier Rescue USA, an all-volunteer rescue organization, when her owner was considering the unthinkable.  Liza limits her walks to a hip-hop-hobble when on backyard outings and is extremely motivated in getting to her food bowl and when offered treats.
Donna Beirne, one of Lend A Paw's most dedicated volunteers was approved last July to be a foster home for Cavalier Rescue. Liza came to Donna’s family in February this year. Donna says she had never cared for a special needs dog before and was hesitant, but from day one, Liza taught her how to do it.  As she discovered, it is really quite easy.  
Thanks to Donna, Liza began attending water therapy sessions at  K9s Only, where she displays her great swimming skill.  In the water, no one would know that she is a special needs girl.  Now that summer is here, she maintains her exercise program in the big pool at her foster home. 
Liza was able to test for the LAP Certification using a doggie stroller.
In order to promote Liza and to show how much love and companionship she is able to provide, she recently passed her Lend A Paw certification test.  She was able to test in her doggie stroller.  She will attend limited site visits, when appropriate. 
Liza attended her first Lend a Paw therapy dog visit at Grancell Jewish Home for the Aging.  Other LAP teams who also visited include new handler Chantal Chelin and LAP pro, Bailey, and the very active LAP team, Lisa Erving and Ash.  This visit was well documented with charming photos taken by Lydia Marcus, Zen Pet Pix Photographer, LAP handler and owner of Cali-the-therapy-dog. 
When meeting dogs and people, Liza eagerly requests an introduction to new friends with her nose and it is quite funny to see her nose wiggling, taking in the scent of each new greeter and dog visitor she encounters.  She had quite a nose workout today and it was obvious she was happy to have a cool part-time job of bringing smiles to those she meets in her "red chariot."
Liza participated in her first visit alongside LAP teams Chantal Chelin and Bailey and Lisa Erving and Ash.
LAP handler Lydia Marcus with Liza and Bailey.
Liza is still waiting for a special someone who will be patient and commit to giving her a forever home.  Special needs dogs can take a long time to place, so until then, he will always have a home and loving care with Donna's family.
Liza’s foster mom, Donna Beirne has two other rescue Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, both in the Lend A Paw Therapy Dog Program:  5½-year-old Tri-color, Audrey Hep Beirne who has been a LAP dog since July 2010 and 5½-year-old Blenheim, Einstein (aka Ein) who is also a LAP dog since May this year.

Photography by Lydia Marcus of Zen Pet Pix Photography.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Ann Douglas Center at L.A. Mission

Barbara Sulier and her dog, Cody are the site leaders for the Ann Douglas Center at the LA Mission. In a recent Facebook post, Barbara wrote:
Cody was in heaven!
"Had a WONDERFUL, exhausting day at the Ann Douglas Center on Saturday. There were 30 kids and then there was Cody. He was in heaven. They petted him, they brushed him, they wiped him down with doggy clean cloths, they hugged him, they walked him, they kissed him, they asked questions about him, they drew pictures of him and gave them to us to take home. Cody wagged his tail so much I think he sprained it. He gave as many kisses as he got and he was smiling that BIG HANGING TONGUE smile he does so well. A full hour of bliss wore him out entirely - in a good way. What a GREAT day for everyone. This is what it is all about."

When I read this, I asked Barbara to describe the kind of visit one can expect when going to this site. "Describing this Lend A Paw site is a hard task for me. It has become dear to Cody and me and I'm not sure how to make the enthusiasm come through," states Sulier. But here is what she wrote:

If you like working with dogs and children, this is the site. There are children from infants to teenagers, to young adults, to adults acting like kids!

The Ann Douglas Center is an outreach branch of the Los Angeles Mission, providing services to women and children.  The “Mommy and Me” Saturday morning group, which LAP attends the third Saturday of every month, is not your normal Mommy and Me class.  On Saturday mornings, the Center opens around 7:30 am for Moms and their children (and a few dads too).  They are all fed breakfast.  By the time Lend A Paw teams arrive around 8:30 am, things are just starting.  Moms go “shopping” at the Center for clothing, diapers, baby food, formula, shoes, coats, tooth brushes,  hair clips, toilet paper, and the list goes on.  During that time, the children are in their own room doing crafts, reading books, playing games.  Volunteers from all over Los Angeles County and beyond come in to help sit with the children, play with them, read to them.  That’s where the dogs and handlers come in. 

We arrive as a group.  Sometimes there are 1-3 children, but lately it has been 30 children and their moms.  The dogs are as excited to see the children as the children are to see the dogs.  The regular volunteers and staff ALSO are excited to see the dogs. For the children who’ve been at the Mommy and Me before – they usually come rushing out to hug and greet the dogs.  They ask each dog if they remember them.  

A little girl at the Center gave Barbara and Cody this picture!
As with any other Lend A Paw location, we’re there to educate, entertain, comfort, provide conversation, or just sit and listen.  We teach the children how to interact with the dogs.  How to pet with the direction of the fur, how to groom with brushes, how to give some commands,  how to give a treat, and when I can, a little dog anatomy for the older kids.  They are fascinated to learn dogs have bones in their tails.  In the middle of all this, we are bombarded with questions as well – what does he eat, where does she sleep, is she your dog, where did you get him?

We take the dogs on “walks” – we walk the dogs in the lobby area – probably an 8 X12 foot area- with children holding on to every inch of leash they can get.  But most of the  time is spent just sitting on the floor petting the dogs and talking.  As we all know, there is something about petting a dog that gets people to open up and talk.  Children are great talkers.  Sometime, especially when there are LOTS of children and not enough volunteers, we read to the children, we sit with them while they color.   It is sort of playtime for us all, but in a confined setting. The time just flies by and too soon the hour is done. 

Gwen and Lilo had their first ever LAP visit at the Ann Douglas Center.
Many Lend A Paw teams have already visited the Ann Douglas Center and all had wonderful experiences. Gwen and her little dog, Lilo had their first ever Lend A Paw visit at the Center. Here is what they had to say about their visit:  “It was our very first visit and we had a lot of fun.  The kids were so eager to carry Lilo and loved her hair.  Lilo also did a very good job in close vicinity to Cody. Our participation in Lend A Paw has been 3 months in the making and we look forward to doing more great work!”

From talking to the children, Barbara has learned that most of them are fairly recently homeless and on the streets. They talk about what they have left behind and often of the pets they had to give up. But there are also children who have spent all their life on the street or are were too young to remember anything different. These are the children who are often afraid of the dogs because the dogs they’ve encountered are not kind, affectionate, well-groomed, safe pets.  Noah was one of those kids and Barbara tells us this story:

"One day when there were enough dogs to go around, I was asked to work specifically with Noah, a boy about 7-8 years old.  He was afraid of dogs and was at the far end of the craft room sitting in a chair.  I pulled up a chair next to him, keeping Cody on the outside of me.  I started by talking to Noah about Noah.  While we talked, I pet Cody’s head.  Cody put his head on my lap and I continued talking and petting.  Then Noah and I started talking about Cody.  Cody, pushed his head further across my lap almost over to the end of Noah’s chair.  As Noah became more comfortable, I gradually moved Cody between my chair and Noah’s, trying to call NO attention to it.  We continued talking, I continued petting.  Pretty soon, Noah was petting too.  Cody put his head on Noah’s lap and I think the friendship was formed at that moment.  Within about 20 minutes, Noah would “walk” Cody, groom Cody, hug Cody and get kisses from Cody.  Noah LOVED lying on Cody lying on the floor.  As I was leaving and saying all my goodbyes, Noah came over and asked ' I know Cody has a name, but does he have a middle name?' I said no.  Noah replied – 'He does now – it’s Noah.' "
So, if you think you would like to visit with us, sign up quickly because due to limited space, we can only bring 4 teams.  Then, pack up your brush, grooming tools, pet wipes, spare leash (for the children to hold) and be ready for a rewarding time! 

The next visit at the Ann Douglas Center is scheduled for Saturday, July 21st. 

Story and Photos by Barbara Sulier.


Saturday, June 30, 2012

Scheduled Visits - July 2012

Here is a calendar of all Lend A Paw scheduled visits for the month of July 2012. Click on an event to see details about the visit. Choose the event(s) you wish to participate in and contact the Leader of the site to RSVP.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Special Lady Friend For Ash

Ash hangs with his special Lady Friend, Ruth.
Silverado Hospice Care  exists in the hope and belief that through effective, compassionate care, patients can approach the ends of their lives with dignity and comfort in the midst of a caring environment sensitive to their needs.
Hospice is a philosophy of care that assists patients, families, and friends during the final stages of a terminal illness.  Silverado Hospice promotes dignity and emphasizes quality of life for those who choose to die in familiar surroundings with those they love.
Silverado Hospice of Los Angeles County and Lend A Paw have partnered to provide support and love in the form of a therapy dog's visit. Lisa Erving and her two Lend A Paw Certified dogs, Ash and Cinder, have received many requests for visits. "Too many for just me and my two dogs!" says Lisa. "I hope more Lend A Paw teams join the program."
When asked how a visit to a Silverado client differs from other visits, Lisa states that each visit seems unique from one to another. They have been referred to 4 ladies so far and the visits have each been totally different. So I asked Lisa to describe a visit with one of their "lady friends." Here is what she had to say:
"The most important aspect is that the Lend A Paw teams actually go to the client's home for the visit. And they spend all their time with just one client and their family and caregivers. With Ruth, the visit mostly centers around Ash (or Cinder). I would say it's 80% dog. Ash is slower and enjoys just hanging with Ruth. We visit on Sunday mornings and we try to get in a surprise Wednesday visit once a month.
A usual visit with Ruth goes like this:
Ash will greet the caregiver, then runs down the hallway to Ruth's bedroom.  You would not believe how this women lights up when she sees him.  Ash waits for the OK, then jumps on the bed and lays down next to her.  Ruth really enjoys the closeness and chatting with Ash - they really enjoy watching T.V. and having snacks together.  If Ash falls asleep, Ruth acts like she won the lotto.  She just loves when he does that.  After about an hour, Ash will go to the back door, he'll go outside and check everything.  Then comes back in, lays down in the hallway and rests for about 20 minutes.  I get to talk to Ruth then.  Then it's time for 'good byes' (which sometimes take forever).  We usually stay a couple of hours. If I could pick a grandma for my dogs, it would be her!"
Lisa, Ash and Cinder celebrated Miriam's birthday!
Lisa and Ash also visited another lady, named Miriam, who recently passed away; "Funny how much we miss her," states Lisa. "She was so awesome. She was an Ambassador for Japan after World War II, spoke 5 languages, lived in Japan for 20 years, traveled the world and America! She even dated Ronald Reagan!"
According to Lisa, to provide visits for Silverado Hospice Care you have to be a Lend A Paw certified handler and dog and you also have to undergo training with Silverado. "The training has been shortened for the LAP teams because pet therapy volunteers can't do all the stuff regular volunteers can do. Our visits are limited to what our dogs can do." Lisa also states that she was only asked to visit Ruth once or twice a month. "But if you met her, you would understand why we go every week!"
If becoming a Lend A Paw volunteer and providing visits for the Silverado Hospice Care of Los Angeles interests you, you should contact Sharon Vincuilla, Director of the LAP program.

Story by Nathalie Seguin, photos by Lisa Erving.

Friday, June 1, 2012

It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to one of our beloved volunteers.

Last Thursday, Ziko woke up feeling weak. A closer look revealed swelling in his side, which was soon discovered to be internal bleeding. An aggressive form of cancer caused a bleeding tumor and quickly Ziko was in critical condition. Out of love for this special boy, we decided to say goodbye and send him to heaven.

Ziko, a 9 year old German Shepherd was rescued 5 years ago from a situation of neglect. Shy and sweet, he worked hard to be a good boy and to always listen. As his confidence grew, so did his heart, and after 1 year he became a certified Lend A Paw Therapy Dog. Ziko's magnificent size usually invoked a moment of awe (and sometimes fear) in those who saw him. But a longer look revealed a gentle, loving soul, and his calm presence made those around him feel at peace. Being a German Shepherd, a popular breed, many individuals could relate to him. Children often asked if he was a police dog, and elderly folk recalled fond memories of their own shepherds.

Ziko's best quality was his pure selfless love, which he consistently showed to those around him. When the sun shined on Ziko, you could see the heavens in his eyes, and when he got close enough you could feel the love on his breath.  The first kiss from Ziko usually started with a brief feeling of panic as his enormous mouth enclosed on you. But when he got close enough, he lifted up his head and gave two quick licks and you knew that something special just happened. Most dogs give kisses because they are happy or they want something, like food or attention. But when Ziko kissed you, it was only for one purpose: to tell you he loved you.

We feel a great void with the loss of Ziko, but I hope that will someday be filled by memories of who he was and the lessons he taught us. The most important lesson I have learned from Ziko is to never be afraid to tell someone you love them. Even when we are judged and misunderstood, if we are calm and patient, love will shine through in the end.

Story and photos by Sharon Vincuilla and Tom Fox

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Scheduled Visits - June 2012

Here is a calendar of all Lend A Paw scheduled visits for the month of June 2012. Click on an event to see details about the visit. Choose the event(s) you wish to participate in and contact the Leader of the site to RSVP.

Friday, May 18, 2012

A Rock Star Hit!

Eisntein is a 5 1/2 year old Cavalier King Charles
Donna Beirne is a dedicated volunteer and dog lover. She and her Cavalier King Charles, Audrey,  are regulars at the Jewish Home for the Aging / Grancell Village. And recently, Donna took over as Leader for this site. As if this is not enough, Donna also fosters dogs from the Cavalier Rescue USA. 
One of her foster, Eisntein, a 5 1/2 year old purebred Blenheim color, is a loving dog, full of energy who wants to make friends and explore wherever he goes. He quickly won Donna's heart and her husband became quickly attached. So they decided to adopt him.
Donna states: "I thought he would be great on therapy visits with all that energy and love to give.  I worked on his basic obedience commands and saw he would be a natural for therapy outings.   I finally brought him to the Lend A Paw Certification at the end of April 2012." And of course, Einstein, aka, "Ein" passed with flying colors!
Ein gave kisses to everyone!
Ein’s first visit was to New Horizons, a school and workplace for the developmentally challenged adults. The folks at New Horizons have a lot of energy and love the Lend A Paw teams, especially the new ones! So, naturally, Ein was a Rock Star hit! Donna says: " Ein was having fun greeting so many new friends,  granting requests to have his photo taken with all and gave kisses to everyone who came by for some puppy love. Everyone wanted to get his or her picture taken with Ein and we tried to accommodate everybody."
When asked about her other therapy dog, Audrey, and whether she will continue to take her for visits, Donna tells me that: "She will continue her therapy dog visits too.  Audrey has a bit of a lower energy level and tires more easily than Ein and is definitely more selective on handing out doggie kisses.  She still loves going to her regular twice-monthly visits at Jewish Home for the Aging at Grancell Village and is always excited to see her red vest come out.  I would love to see both of them go out on a visit together sometime.  Maybe after Ein gets more visits under his vest, he can go out with another LAP handler and I can take Audrey on the same visit. "

Everyone wanted their picture taken with Ein!
That sounds like a great plan! Thank you Donna for your wonderful work!

Story by Nathalie Seguin, photos courtesy of Donna Beirne.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Another "practice" for Roxie

Last November, we wrote a story about Roxie, a beautiful Golden Retriever who is being raised to become a therapy dog. Roxie will turn 1 year old on May 21st and Sharon Newman, her owner and handler, states that she is growing and maturing beautifully and that her training is progressing well. She hopes that Roxie will pass her Lend A Paw Certification in July. But in the meantime, she tries to expose Roxie to as many people and situations as possible. Here is her account of a wonderful encounter:  
Today we were walking our usual route through my neighborhood and, once again, came upon a resident of the Headway House, a residence for adults with brain traumas. A gentleman was sitting outside in his wheelchair waiting for the arrival of the Access Paratransit van to give him a ride. We stopped to visit with him. The man, who introduced himself as Kim, immediately reached out to pet Roxie. She greeted him calmly but with enthusiasm. Kim's face lit up as he petted her and he became very talkative. It was very evident from his reaction how much joy and comfort our dogs bring to people. Kim was sitting and staring off at nothing, tuned out to the world around him. The moment Roxie approached him, his world came alive again. It's what we've all witnessed and why we continue to volunteer as therapy dog handlers.

Photo and Story by Sharon Newman

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Scheduled Visits - May 2012

Here is a calendar of all Lend A Paw scheduled visits for the month of May 2012. Click on an event to see details about the visit. Choose the event(s) you wish to participate in and contact the Leader of the site to RSVP.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Chai Lifeline & LAP Join Efforts

             Since 1987, Chai Lifeline's mission has been to restore the light of childhood to children whose innocence ended when life-threatening or lifelong illness was diagnosed.
Through programs that address the emotional, social, and financial needs of seriously ill children, their families, and communities, Chai Lifeline restores normalcy to family life, and better enables families to withstand the crises and challenges of serious pediatric illness.

Earlier this year, Chai Lifeline contacted Lend A Paw to propose a new program to help these children receive some much needed love and affection from our volunteer handlers and dogs.

Upon commencement of the program, we had an astounding response from our volunteers in their desire get involved, and many are already assigned to visit children on a weekly or monthly schedule.

This program has a great impact on the children. When we as humans interact with a person who is seriously ill or challenged in some way, we often cannot help but be reserved or unsure due to our preconceived notions, lack of knowledge of the illness, or fear of the unknown. When dogs interact with these special populations, they show no judgement and treat the children no differently than their best friend. These children need a sense of security and a chance to be treated the same as everybody else.

One of Lend A Paw's volunteer teams, Jody and her Golden Retriever Ziggy, began visiting with Chai Lifeline earlier this year. They were paired with Ari, a five year old boy diagnosed with Leukemia. Jody guided Ari as they took Ziggy for a long walk. Jody remarked that Ari "is the sweetest boy ever and was so happy to see Ziggy. Ziggy, Ari and I went on a long walk...We talked a lot and laughed a lot. He is a very special kid."

Lend A Paw volunteers and Chai Lifeline children look forward to many more visits together down the road. If you are interested in getting involved with Lend A Paw with your own dog, please contact Sharon@k9sonly.com.

Written by LAP Director, Sharon Vincuilla

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Lend A Paw to attend Walk Now for Autism Speaks

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and autism are both general terms for a group of complex disorders of brain development. These disorders are characterized, in varying degrees, by difficulties in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors. They include autistic disorder, Rett syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS) and Asperger syndrome. ASD can be associated with intellectual disability, difficulties in motor coordination and attention and physical health issues such as sleep and gastrointestinal disturbances. Some persons with ASD excel in visual skills, music, math and art. Autism is the fastest-growing serious developmental disorder in the U.S. Every 11 minutes, another family receives the devastating news that their child has an autism spectrum disorder.

 How can Lend A Paw help?

Gabi, center, shares a hug with these two boys at Kayne Eras.

More research is still needed, but studies are showing that interaction with animals, and Therapy Dogs specifically, has many therapeutic qualities for children with ASD. Through our work with students at ECF Kayne Eras School we have experienced that the Lend A Paw dogs help these children by facilitating social interaction, calming and developing focus , increasing verbal skills, and raising self-confidence.  In order to support efforts to raise funds for ASD research, as well as to increase awareness of the positive therapeutic impact that interaction with animals can have on children with ASD, Lend A Paw volunteers will be manning a booth at the upcoming Walk Now for Autsim Speaks. The 5K walk and fair will be held on Saturday, April 21st at the Rosebowl in Pasadena. For more information, visit www.walknowforautismspeaks.org

Please come out and support the cause, or stop by the Lend A Paw booth for more information about our program. If you are interested in joining Lend A Paw with your own dog, please email Sharon@k9sonly.com.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Scheduled Visits - April 2012

Here is a calendar of all Lend A Paw scheduled visits for the month of April 2012. Click on an event to see details about the visit. Choose the event(s) you wish to participate in and contact the Leader of the site to RSVP.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Cali's 3rd Birthday Celebration at New Horizons

Cali celebrated her 3rd birthday at New Horizons!
The New Horizons monthly lunchtime visit on March 14, 2012 got a huge turnout of seven Lend A Paw teams: Calli and Audrey, Ash and Lisa, Buckwheat and Lori, Wilson and Kenneth, Chloe and Judy, Cali and Me (Lydia), and Daisy and Jim. The New Horizons students were excited to celebrate Cali's 3rd birthday! 
Lisa, the Lend A Paw site leader for New Horizons, provided birthday party hats, candy (a HUGE draw), and decorative bead necklaces. Lisa also handed out St. Patrick's Day photo cards featuring many of the Lend A Paw therapy dogs. Lisa and Ash know how to work the crowd and please the students! 
Everyone signed the giant birthday card...
I made a giant birthday card featuring numerous cute doggie stickers and Cali's photo, and Lisa oversaw students signing the card. I also handed out Cali's new business card that features photos and information about Cali and Lend A Paw. 
At the visit, Wilson and Buckwheat displayed their prowess at backing up on command, Ash showed off his super cool style by wearing a birthday hat and humorous birthday sunglasses, many of the students enjoyed a face washing "Calli style" as her handler Audrey exclaimed, "she's a great kisser," and Daisy danced for treats by standing on her hind legs and spinning. Many of the students were excited to pose for photos with birthday girl, Cali, and Judy shared her fluffy white doggie, Chloe, who is, "always up for a party and enjoyed the festivities as well." 
Ash showed off his super cool style...
Audrey and Calli enjoyed the festivities!
Happy and proud Lydia with birthday girl Cali!

More highlights included: The lady in the wheelchair and the young man in the party hat who couldn't get enough of Cali's big, wet sloppy kisses; Buckwheat and Wilson comparing therapy dog patches on their vests (Cali is jealous and wants a patch too!) and hugs for the handlers from a few of the sweetest big "kids" you will ever meet! 

Story and photos by Lydia Marcus

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Scheduled Visits - March 2012

Here is a calendar of all Lend A Paw scheduled visits for the month of March 2012. Click on an event to see details about the visit. Choose the event(s) you wish to participate in and contact the Leader of the site to RSVP.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Volunteer's Experience

On Wednesday, February 8, 2012, Cali and I experienced our second therapy visit with Lend A Paw. We spent lunchtime with developmentally challenged adults at New Horizons in North Hills, CA. New Horizons is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping adults with developmental disabilities reach their potential and fulfill their dreams. New Horizons provides job training and placement, education, counseling, residential services, and social programs for individuals age 18 and older.

The hour was a whirlwind of questions regarding me and Cali.
Cali was a very popular girl!

What's the dog's name? "Cali."
Is it a he or a she? "She."
How old is she? "Two. She'll be three in March."
What's her birthday? "I don't know exactly."
What's your name? "Lydia."
What's your birthday? "February 27."
What's your Mother's name? "Beverly"
What's her birthday? "November 30, 1931."
(One of the ladies that was asking about the birthdays told me that my birthday was two weeks from Monday and that in the year of my mom's birth the Cab Calloway song "Minnie The Moocher" was on the charts - she was right on both accounts (I had to look up wikipedia about the song.)
Does Cali eat Candy? "No, she eats dog treats. I have some with me, would you like to give her a treat?"
Can I smell your hair? "No."
Why not? "Because that's a personal boundary I have."
Can I see your eyes? "Yes (I take off my sunglasses.)"
Can you make this sound (one lady was big on asking me to repeat sounds she was making)? "No, you're doing it well enough for both of us."
Is that magic? (regarding some of Cali's tricks.) "No, I taught her how to do that."

I made an assortment of mini Valentine's Day cards!
I made an assortment of mini Valentine's Day cards to hand out. There were 6 different images of Cali. Each card had a photo of Cali on the front and handwritten on the back was "Be My Valentine xoxo Cali." Many people asked Cali to shake. I showed them that instead of shaking, she does "high five." I also showed her doing "leave it" with both a treat and her ball, and "take it," allowing her to eat the treat or take the ball. She also showed off "beg," "up" (to jump up on a planter where you could also sit) and to stand up and put her paws on my chest, "sit," "tap touch" where she touches my index finger with her nose, left and right, "flips" where she leaps in a circle, "stay" so she could pose for photos with people, and "catch" and "drop" with her tennis ball. The residents really enjoyed throwing her ball and they told me their favorite trick was Cali's flips.

At one point, when I felt like Cali needed a little break to reconnect with me, I had her stand up with her paws on my chest and I gave her a hug and a kiss. Four of the New Horizons students surrounded us and each stuck their head in for a kiss from Cali. One by one, she gave each a kiss. This was my favorite moment of the visit and I sure wish I had it on video or photo. Cali is not an overly kissy dog, so I wasn't sure if each person would get their kiss, but she did not disappoint any of them!

Story and photography by Lydia Marcus