
Welcome to the Lend A Paw Blog!
Where you can find up to date information about the program, current LAP teams and LAP therapy dogs candidates, scheduled visits, and much more.
Lend A Paw is committed to enhancing the lives of individuals experiencing physical, mental, emotional or life challenges by providing therapy dogs to offer warmth, compassion, unconditional love and a healing environment. The program is designed to rescue dogs from the shelter and train them to be therapy dogs. Individuals are also invited to join our LAP team with their own dogs provided the dogs have the required obedience and temperament for therapy work.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Happy Holidays from Lend A Paw

This holiday season was filled with more joy than usual, for some less fortunate individuals, thanks to our self-less Lend A Paw volunteers. More than 15 volunteer teams spent their time both before and on Christmas Day visiting with the mentally challenged, elderly, and homeless. These visits brought laughter and joy to those people who enjoyed every second they spent with our furry four-legged and smiling two-legged volunteers.

New Horizons Visit: Wednesday, December 21st
Audrey & Cali and Chellee & Lexi enjoyed spreading holiday cheer!

 LA Mission Holiday Block Party: Friday, December 23rd

Ash had a great time snuggling with all the kids who were waiting to see Santa.

We had 8 teams total for this visit.
Richard & Maddock, Jackee & Larceny,
and Jennifer & Lucy are pictured.
Our teams spent time with the children while they
waited to get their holiday meal.
Some families had been waiting since 6am!  
Gabi loved taking pictures with these children,
who weren't used to seeing a dog so well behaved.

The Gardens in Tarzana: Sunday, December 25th

Bailey, dressed as Santa, made sure to listen to everyone's wish list while he visited this past weekend. These folks were overjoyed to hear that Bailey thought they had all been very good this year.

We hope you enjoyed these photos from our visits, and that you have a wonderful end to 2011 and a bright new beginning for 2012!

Monday, December 12, 2011

LAP Volunteer Profiles

These two Lend A Paw teams have recently completed their Certification and are ready to provide companionship and social interactions to people in need.

Stacey Procter and Flora
Stacey adopted Flora, a 3 year old Miniature Pinscher mix from New Leash On Life about a year ago.  At that time Flora was in training for the Lend A Paw program.  Flora is now settled in her new home with her human baby brother Tommy.  She and Stacey are very excited to have accomplished this goal of becoming certified.  Stacey is delighted to share Flora’s joyful personality with those in need, as well as to prove that shelter dogs can overcome their tumultuous pasts to become excellent companions, and even successful working dogs. 

Amanda Fogarty and Newman
Amanda rescued Newman, a Dalmatian, when he was left outside for 5 years to fend for himself.  He was very overweight and his leg muscles had atrophied due to lack of exercise, so he required a lot of rehabilitation before he could be certified.   Now, back in shape and fully certified, Newman is our first ever Dalmatian in the Lend A Paw program.  Amanda and Newman are looking forward to giving back to the community and educating children on the humane treatment of animals.

 Congratulations Stacey & Flora and Amanda & Newman! Keep up the good work!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Scheduled Visits - December 2011

Here is a calendar of all Lend A Paw scheduled visits for the month of December 2011. Click on an event to see details about the visit. Choose the event(s) you wish to participate in and contact the Leader of the site to RSVP.

Monday, November 14, 2011


        As we come upon flu season, we all are conditioned to wash our hands more often, to drink plenty of fluids, and to protect ourselves by staying away from highly populated areas. However, as Pet Therapy Teams visiting nursing and hospice facilities, we should be aware of the risk of disease all year long and should condition ourselves to take certain measures to protect, not only ourselves, but also our dogs.
            The bacteria known as Staphylococcus aureus, or Staph Infection, is highly prevalent in nursing and hospice facilities, and is also highly contagious. That is probably information that you were already aware of. What you might not be aware of is that there is a strain of these bacteria that are resistant to antimicrobial and antibiotic drugs. This is known as Methicillin-resistant Staphulococcus aureus, or MRSA. This pathogen is gaining attention more recently, especially with veterinarians, because it can be transmitted to pets. Although the average prognosis is usually good for this type of infection, in some cases of MRSA in pets, it can become systemic and fatal. With that being said, with just a few simple facts and precautions you can easily avoid it altogether.
            According to studies conducted by the University of Guelph, University of Pennsylvania, and Angell Animal Medical Center in Boston, prevalence of MRSA is most often found in the skin and ears of dogs. Risk factors included open wounds, intravenous catheterization within 90 days of exposure, and recent receipt or chronic prescription of antimicrobial drugs such as amoxicillin, cephalexin, and clindamycin. Because MRSA, and other bacteria, are most prevalent on the floors of hospitals and nursing/hospice facilities, pets can easily contract the bacteria by walking on the floors and having open wounds or sores on their feet. Pets can also spread the bacteria from person to person by shaking “paws” or jumping on a patient’s bed.

            In order to assure that your pet is safe during Lend A Paw visits, follow these recommendations:

            1 – If your pet is on antibiotics, has any open wounds, hot spots, ear infections, or has had recent             surgery, do not attend any therapy visits until your dog is healthy and off medication.

            2 – During your visits, carry with you hand sanitizer and antibacterial wipes so that you can   sanitize your hands as well as your pet’s skin, coat, and feet in between visits with patients.

            3 – Though you bathe your pet before visits, it is a good idea to bathe your pet with antibacterial shampoo after visiting nursing homes or hospice facilities.

            4 – When visiting in nursing or hospice facilities, ask the nursing manager if there are any patients that are on quarantine for MRSA or other bacterial infections. Also pay attention to signs posted outside patient’s doors, as these may explain important information regarding the patient.

Bailer brings joy to the Jewish Home for the Aging on a regular basis!

            This article is not meant to scare any of you or deter you from visiting. We bring a lot of joy to nursing and hospice facilities and we do not want to diminish this. However, it is important to be aware of what you are exposing yourself and your pet to in order to prevent spread of bacteria and disease.  Please contact me if you have any concerns or questions!

Article by Sharon Vincuilla, Lend A Paw Director

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Therapy Dog In The Making

Sharon Newman became a Certified Lend A Paw Handler because she believes in the human/animal bond. She truly believes that animals, especially dogs, can affect the way people feel.
And she has enjoyed being a therapy dog handler so much, and felt so much fulfillment from each visit that she has decided to raise a puppy to become a Lend A Paw Certified Therapy Dog. 
So this past Summer, Sharon brought Roxy home; Roxy is an adorable Golden Retriever who already demonstrates all the qualities a dog should possess to be a good therapy dog: She loves people and wants to please them. 
As her puppy grows to maturity, Sharon has been blessed with the generosity of others by them "lending" their therapy dogs to her for the Lend A Paw visits. But a few weeks ago, Sharon had a wonderful experience with Roxy and she would like to share this story with everyone.
"Roxie and I were enjoying a morning walk in my neighborhood one Saturday morning, when we encountered a man sitting in a wheel chair in the shade outside a residential house. I know this house to be a residence for adults with severe head injuries as a result of some type of trauma. As we approached him, he smiled broadly and lowered his hand, as if asking to pet Roxie. We got close and Roxie was a perfect lady. She put her head in his lap and he petted her over and over. I told him her name and age. Through his labored speech I could make out that he said "Hi Roxie." We stayed a few minutes, all the while the smile never leaving his face. When we said goodbye, he mumbled "Bye, Roxie."
It was such a beautiful, impromptu moment. It made me even more happy and excited about bringing Roxie into the Lend A Paw program!"

Roxie will be eligible for testing for certification with Lend A Paw when she turns one year old. Stay tuned for updates on her progress to reach that goal!

Story and photos by Nathalie Seguin.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Halloween Spirit

October was a busy month for the Lend A Paw program and it was definitely a fun one. The LAP teams demonstrated that everyone can have Halloween Spirit and dress up... even the dogs! Some teams even brought candies to pass out. One of the most popular visit was at the Jewish Home For The Aging / Eisenberg Village, on Saturday, November 29th. This is an annual event and the residents and clients of this facility really enjoy seeing all the dogs in costumes! This year, 8 dog/handler teams were present: Andy and Bailer, Chris and Mason, Lisa and Ash, Lori and Buckwheat, Lydia and Cali, Marshall and Genny, Sarah and Bailey, and Judy and Chloe. From the smallest to the tallest, they all dressed up and paraded in front of a large audience. Even the staff of the Jewish Home wanted to witness this amazing show!
8 dog/handler teams participated in this visit.
Judy and her cute butterfly, Chloe, delighted the residents.
Bailey was supposed to be a vampire but with his friendly face, he didn't scare anyone!
"Which way to the trail?" says Camper Buckwheat.
What an adorable pumpkin Ash makes!
Miss Genny dressed as an Angel.
And the King (Bailer) was in the building!
Chris and Mason both dressed up and made lots of heads turn!
This was Cali's first visit and she performed like a pro!

Story and Photography by Nathalie Seguin.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Scheduled Visits - November 2011

Here is a calendar of all Lend A Paw scheduled visits for the month of November 2011. Click on an event to see details about the visit. Choose the event(s) you wish to participate in and contact the Leader of the site to RSVP.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

LAP Teams Update

 The following dogs and handlers have recently achieved another milestone in the Lend A Paw program:

 Joanne Burnsides:
Joanne was certified on June 4, 2011 as a volunteer handler.  Joanne works as a therapist and caregiver at Home Instead Senior Care.  She has also volunteered for the past 5 years with the Hospice of Central California, so she brings a lot of experience with seniors to the program, which is important with our type of work.    Though she does not have her own dog, she partners with Gabi & Ziko to visit various sites, including the Anne Douglas Center, The Jewish Home for the Aging, the L.A. Mission and more.  Joanne recently completed her 6th visit and is now a Level II volunteer.  Gabi & Ziko are very thankful she’s in the program, so they can make more visits!  

Chris Nitz & Mason:
Chris and Mason were also certified on June 4, 2011.  Chris joined the program because she enjoys giving back to the community.  Mason is our first Great Dane in the program and his striking looks catch attention wherever he goes.  Despite his size, his gentle demeanor makes even the smallest children feel comfortable.  Chris and Mason have been making site visits to the L.A. Mission, KEEN Los Angeles, The Jewish Home for the Aging, and Aegis Assisted Living.  They recently completed their 6 visits and next month will be taking over as the lead volunteer team for Oakview Assisted Living in Thousand Oaks.  

Judy Kamins & Chloe:
Judy and Chloe first came to the program after completing training sessions at K9s Only.  Judy has worked professionally as a social worker and wanted to enrich her experience and spend quality time with Chloe as well.  Chloe started out as a very shy little puppy, but through her training and Judy’s gentle guidance, her confidence was raised and Chloe now enjoys every minute she spends visiting.  Due to Judy’s passion for social work, she is drawn towards the sites we visit with Autistic children.  Judy and Chloe recently completed their 6th visit and they are looking forward to doing a lot more.

Please congratulate all three of these volunteers for their hard work and dedication to Lend A Paw.

Monday, October 17, 2011

2nd Annual Lend A Paw Picnic

   On Sunday, October 16th we held our Second Annual LAP Appreciation Picnic at Serrania Park in Woodland Hills. Over 30 volunteer humans and dogs gathered for food, fun and conversation.

The annual picnic gives volunteers a chance to get to know each other, and the program leaders an opportunity to express our gratitude and appreciation for our valued volunteer Handlers and Therapy Dogs.

Lisa and her dog, Ash, recently celebrated their one 
year anniversary with the program. They completed a whopping 60 visits in one year! Lisa hopes to get her younger dog, Cinder, certified soon so that she can continue to bring love and joy to all the individuals they visit.


Amanda and her dog, Newman, a rescue 
whom she rehabilitated, joined the program 
in September. They are looking forward to 
visiting the children's locations, in order to 
help educate children on humane treatment 
of animals.                                                                                                  

Sarah Jane and Bailey have been an LAP Team since 2008. They  were awarded for completing over 100 visits since becoming certified in 2008. Sarah Jane and Bailey have also brought Lend A Paw to KEEN Los Angeles, an organization which provides sports and activities to children with developmental challenges. The Therapy Dogs help to facilitate social interaction with developmentally challenged children at this location. Interaction with the dogs can also help to build confidence and interpersonal communication skills.

A BIG thank you to all of our Volunteer Handlers and Dogs. We also extend a special thanks to our "behind the scenes" volunteers such as Nathalie Seguin who our writes our blog, and Mel Whitney and Liz Kessler who have assisted with administrative duties this year. Our mission of rescuing animals and giving back to the community could not be fulfilled without all of your hard work and dedication. Here's to the upcoming year and all that we will accomplish!

Story by Sharon Vincuilla, Lend A Paw Director

Friday, September 30, 2011

Scheduled Visits - October 2011

Here is a calendar of all Lend A Paw scheduled visits for the month of October 2011. Click on an event to see details about the visit. Choose the event(s) you wish to participate in and contact the Leader of the site to RSVP.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Who's Who Part 2

Sarah Jane & Bailey:
Sarah Jane Chelin & Bailey were certified as a LAP team in December, 2008.   Since then, with a few rare exceptions, they have made one or more visits every month.  Working toward a goal of accomplishing 100 visits this year, she and Bailey have become one of our most experienced volunteer teams.  While they spread their joy across many sites, Sarah is now the Lead Volunteer for the KEEN visits; an organization providing sports and activities for developmentally challenged children.  Please join us in cheering her and Bailey on as they strive to hit their goal of 100 visits!  

Jane, Jessica & Caspy:
Jane Eckstein and her daughter, Jessica Masser, adopted Caspy from New Leash On Life in January 2009, and in February they were certified and began visiting with Lend A Paw.  Jane and Jessica had already been involved in community outreach programs, when they
adopted Caspy. They were teaching a self defense class at Kayne Eras; a school for developmentally challenged children, many of whom
are autistic.  They spoke with the Principal and Caspy and his friends

have been visiting regularly ever since.  Jane and Jessica have now expanded their sites to Fallon Cardiology Office and the Westside Regional Center, where Jessica works as a peer mentor.  The Westside Regional Center provides several programs and resources for developmentally challenged adults or children and their families.   If you haven’t worked with Jane and Jessica you are missing out on the vitality and compassion they bring to the LAP program.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Lend A Paw Team Receives Achievement Award

Congratulations are in order! New Leash On Life's Lend A Paw Team Barbara and Cody recently received an Achievement Award from Animal Farm Foundation, Inc. 
To qualify for the Animal Farm Foundation Achievement Award, the dog and owner duo must work together to win hearts and open minds, breaking stereotypes and disproving myths for all "pit bull" dogs. The goal of this award is to honor those wo are making a difference and working towards a world where "pit bull" dogs are accepted as individuals. 
And that's exactly what Barbara and Cody have been doing since they became a Certified Lend A Paw Team in April 2010.
Every month, this dynamic duo visits Oakview Assisted Living and Nursing Home as well as the LA Mission's Ann Douglas Center for Women where they visit mothers and their children during their "Mommy and Me Program". But what makes this team so special is the fact that Cody is a "pit bull" mixed breed and has a disability. When Cody was a puppy, he was diagnosed with a congenital malformation called ectrodactyly or "lobster claw syndrome". He was rescued by Even Chance, a San Diego based pit bull advocacy center, which paid for the surgery to correct the deformity by fusing two toes together. He was adopted shortly after the surgery by Barbara who states: "He's been pretty special ever since I adopted him. And for some reason, from the bottom of my heart, I know I'm supposed to have Cody." 
According to Barbara, Cody is a "people-oriented dog," and although his breed surprises people, his charisma wins them over every time. With a "mitten" paw, Cody walks with a slight limp which also helps physically challenged people relate to him.
Cody is now 3 years old and while he is composed and calm when he wears the Lend A Paw vest, at home he is a typical, high energy dog. Barbara says that, "working is taxing on Cody and all therapy dogs. When he gets back from a visit, he collapses for the rest of the day." But Barbara knows that Cody really enjoys it because "he is proud of himself and is glad to be the center of attention."

Story and Photography by Nathalie Seguin.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

KEEN Los Angeles

Sarah Jane and her golden retriever Bailey had a great time!
In May 2011, New Leash on Life’s Lend a Paw program partnered with KEEN (Kids Enjoy Exercise Now) Los Angeles for a play session with children who have developmental and physical disabilities.  Three Pet Therapy teams joined the festivities: Lend a Paw coordinator Sharon brought her black lab Gabi, fellow handler Lisa brought her long-haired Akita Ash, and Sarah Jane, the LAP Leader for this site, brought her golden retriever Bailey.  It turned out to be an amazingly fun day for everyone involved. 
Lisa and Ash went down the slides with the children.

KEEN is a national, non-profit, volunteer-led organization that provides one-to-one recreational opportunities for children and young adults with intellectual and physical disabilities at no cost to their families and caregivers.
Over the course of the visit, the children’s confidence levels sky-rocketed;  Several children were petrified of the dogs when they first arrived, so the Lend A Paw teams tried to build their confidence in different ways.  They asked if they wanted to take the dogs for a walk, and when one would grab the end of the leash, another

would want to get involved and also take part of
the leash.  That way, the LAP handler and often
times two children, would walk the dog up and down ramps and stairs.  Having a big dog follow the kids and respond to their requests to “sit” or “shake” gave them an ego boost.  Having them brush the dogs also allowed them to get close and learn that the dogs would not react negatively to their presence.  The absolute cherry on the top was to see these kids engulf the dogs in hugs.  So much love!
More highlights:
·        Watching the dogs go down slides with the kids. Bailey, Gabi and Ash surprised everyone with their great enthusiasm for tackling all the slides on the playground.
·         Seeing a little boy’s beaming face when he was asked if he wanted to ride horsey on Bailey’s back.  He enjoyed it so much he did it twice.
·         Hearing the kids describe what they did that day that made them proud… and some of them said “played with the dogs.”  The Lend A Paw teams made a difference!!

For the months of June, July and August, the kids went swimming and the therapy dogs skipped the pool sessions (much to Gabi and Bailey’s dismay!) They are now returning to the Elysian Therapeutic Center for some outdoor fun and the Lend A paw teams are invited once again. Below are the upcoming KEEN event times. 
KEEN Sports at Elysian Therapeutic Center
929 Academy Road, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Sharon and Gabi helped the children build their confidence level.
      Volunteers keep the kids company as they move among the different activities including Frisbee, tag,

soccer, arts & crafts, basketball, jungle gym, swings, sand box, baseball, etc.  Volunteers arrive at 10:30 am and the youth participants arrive at 11:00 am.  Play continues until about 12:30 pm.

·         Sunday, Sept. 11th
·         Sunday, Sept. 18th
·         Sunday, Oct. 2nd
·         Sunday, Oct. 30th
Please consider volunteering at least once.  Your presence would mean so much to these kids. To RSVP for these visits, contact Sarah Jane, the Leader of this site.

Story and Photography courtesy of Sarah Jane Chelin.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Scheduled Visits - September 2011

Here is a calendar of all Lend A Paw scheduled visits for the month of September 2011. Click on an event to see details about the visit. Choose the event(s) you wish to participate in and contact the Leader of the site to RSVP.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Aegis Living of Granada Hills

On Sunday, August 14th, three Lend A Paw teams went to visit the residents of Aegis Living of Granada Hills; Sharon & Gabi, Lisa & Ash and Lori & Buckwheat were greeted by enthusiastic staff members and were introduced to some very happy residents.
Aegis Living of Granada Hills is a wonderful community that offers three different levels of care:
The Assisted Living Option is ideal for active seniors with health concerns who require daily assistance.
The Memorial Care Option provides care for the residents with Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia.
Aegis of Granada Hills also offers specialized care for short term residents and those who require hospice care.
At Aegis Living, the residents are offered a variety of events, activities and new challenges to keep their mind and body active. And they are encouraged to participate in these social situations. The Lend A Paw's monthly visit is part of the Activities Calendar and most residents look forward to seeing and petting the LAP dogs. They also enjoy talking to our volunteers/handlers. Some residents recognize the LAP teams and greet them like old friends while others just enjoy meeting each dog/handler team and getting to know them. And on this particular visit, everyone had a wonderful time. Thank you volunteers and dogs!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Lend A Paw Who's Who

There are three levels of Handlers in our Lend A Paw program as well as Basic, Intermediate and Advanced levels for dogs. The number of hours/visits determines the level of our teams. Two of our Lend A Paw teams have recently reached a milestone in our program and we would like to recognize these wonderful volunteers and their faithful companions:

Arlene Alpert & Kooper

Arlene and Kooper started with LAP program in January, 2010.  Arlene got Kooper from the Guide Dogs of America Organization.  Kooper felt that being a guide dog wasn’t for him, but Arlene knew he was still meant for something special.  Arlene has worked at Providence Tarzana Hospital for years and has been looking for a way to have Kooper join her in caring for other people.  Kooper is a four year old black Labrador Retriever who loves his work and can’t get enough attention.  Arlene and Kooper have recently achieved the status of Level II Volunteers and they are enthusiastic about their upcoming year in the program. 

Lisa Erving & Ash

Lisa Erving and her long coat Akita, Ash, have been certified with Lend A Paw since September 18, 2010.  Lisa and Ash quickly completed their six supervised visits and went on to take the role of Lead Volunteer at New Horizons.  Lisa’s vivacious personality and Ash’s unique, teddy bear look make them a favorite at New Horizons, as well as the other locations they visit.  Lisa goes above and beyond by making each visit a special event – just last month Ash turned 2 years old and she celebrated with the individuals at New Horizons by having a birthday party!  She always knows the names of the people she visits and loves to take pictures to hand out.  This last week was Lisa & Ash’s 50th visit!  She celebrated by presenting each student with a specially created LAP caricature coloring sheet of Ash and his friends, and a bag of candy.   Lisa and Ash have touched so many lives through their work and we are so blessed to have them in the LAP program. 

Thank you Arlene and Kooper and Lisa and Ash for the wonderful work you are doing! Keep lending your paws and spreading the love!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Updated Calendar for August 2011

Please take note of the updated Calendar for the month of August 2011; The Eldeman Children's Courthouse visit has been re-scheduled for this Friday, August 19th at 10:30 AM. Also, take note of the Lend A Paw Certification Workshop scheduled for Saturday, August 27th at 8:30 AM.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Scheduled Visits - August 2011

Here is a calendar of all Lend A Paw scheduled visits for the month of August 2011. Click on an event to see details about the visit. Chose the event(s) you wish to participate in and contact the Leader of the site to RSVP.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Scheduled Visits - Week of July 25th

There is one scheduled Lend A Paw visit for this week:

Wednesday, July 27th @ 10:30 AM:
Bubbe & Zayde's Place
3317 Oakhurst Ave
Los Angeles, CA

This is a 5 resident nursing home in Culver City. The residents here always look forward to our visits. We need 1 or 2 Therapy Teams to attend.
*This site is still in need of a Lead Volunteer. Please contact Sharon if you can help!

Monday, July 18, 2011

A Birthday Celebration

     Last Wednesday, July 13th, the staff and students of New Horizons took part in a very special celebration. One of our Lend A Paw dogs, Ash, turned 2 years old, and everyone was invited to the party!
Lisa and the birthday boy, Ash!
      The celebration took place during one of the Lend A Paw monthly visits to the center. Lisa, Ash's owner and handler, went above and beyond the call of duty and made this visit a very special one. With the help of Audrey and Donna and Belle and Terry, as well as Ash's Grandma, AKA Lisa's boss, Sandra, she decorated the lunch area. There were over 120 party hats, goodie bags filled with silly toys, party horns, scarves, crazy silly glasses and candy, coloring books and of course, a big cake!
Over 120 hats and goodie bags were distributed!
      There was also a very large birthday card that participants could sign and decorate. According to Lisa, "the Birthday Card was a big hit! I just tried to count how many people signed it: it's like more than a hundred!" The Lend A Paw teams walked around handing out hats and goodie bags. Within half an hour, they were all gone. Which was perfect since it was time to sing "Happy Birthday!"Everyone gathered around to sing. Then Donna, Audrey's owner and handler, started cutting the cake (a white cake with strawberry mousse filling.) Yum! Everyone lined up to wait for the cake and pretty soon, 3 teachers came over to help cut and distribute slices of cake.
The "birthday card" was a big hit!
The cake: white cake with strawberry mousse filling. Yum!
      Terry, Belle's owner and handler, and Sandra, handed out a special coloring page of the Lend A Paw dogs who visit New Horizons (made by Isabella Koelman) for a coloring contest. The most artistic coloring will get a prize in August!
Belle and owner/handler Terry handed out a special coloring page.
The coloring page made by Isabella Koelman.
Audrey also helped with the hats and goodie bags!
     "I think everyone had a great time," says Lisa. "The kids were so excited; a birthday party for a dog! Who knew something so simple could make so many people smile?!"

Story by Nathalie Seguin and Lisa Erving, photos by Donna Beirne